'70 | '80 | '90 | 2000-2009 | 2010-2019 | 2020 ...
Publications (a selection)
Mario Cresci. Colorland, 1975 - 1983
by Corrado Benigni
texts by Corrado Benigni, Mauro Zanchi
Electa 2023, Milan
catalogue of the exhibition at the Astino Monastery, Bergamo
Mario Cresci. Un esorcismo del tempo
(Mario Cresci. An Exorcism of time)
by Marco Scotini, Simona Antonacci
texts by Marco Scotini, Simona Antonacci, Anselm Franke,
Elisa Giuliano, Joseph Grima, Lindsay Harris
bilingual edition italian/english
Contrastobooks 2023, Rome
Mon cher Abbé Bionaz! Mario Cresci per la Valle d'Aosta
(Mon cher Abbé Bionaz! Mario Cresci for the Aosta Valley)
by Luca Fiore
texts by Luca Fiore, Stefano Bruzzese
Le Macchine Effimere 2023,
catalogue of the exhibition at the Gamba Castle,
Museum of Modern and Contemporany Art in Châtillon
Roma '68, by Mario Cresci
texts by F. Bonetti, N. Leonardi, R. Maggiori
Editrice Quinlan 2022, San Severino
special edition
Mario Cresci. Matrici. L'incertezza del vero
(Mario Cresci. Matrixes. The uncertainty of the true)
by Stefano Raimondi
texts by the author
Sguardi e visioni/Mimesis 2022, Milan
Mario Cresci. Analogie e memoria
text by Mauro Zanchi
Materia Editions 2021, Rome
catalogue of the exhibition at the Materia Gallery in Rome
Misurazioni, fotografia e territorio
(Measurements, photography and territory)
by Mario Cresci
texts by the author and Francesco Angelucci, Achille Filipponi
Yard Press 2020, Rome, second publishing
Meta Editions 1979, Matera, first edition
L'oro del tempo
(The gold of time)
by Mario Cresci
ICCD / Artists in residence, Postcart Editions 2020
catalogue of the exhibition at the ICCD Archive in Rome
2010 - 2019
Mario Cresci. Storie di grafica e fotografia
(Mario Cresci. Stories of graphic and photography)
by Mario Cresci
texts by C. A. Quintavalle, M. Piazza,
J. Pierini and by the author
Postcart Editions 2019, Rome
(Prix du Livre Historique at Les Rencontres de la photographie of Arles 2020)
Mario Cresci. In viaggio con Lauro Messori 1960-2016
(Mario Cresci. Traveling with Lauro Messori 1960-2016)
Danilo Montanari Editore 2017, Ravenna
(Book of the yerar, Ponchielli Prize 2017 - selected by the jury)
Baudelaire, by Mario Cresci
Mario Cresci Publischer 2017, Bergamo
text C. Benigni
catalogue of the exhibition at the SAGE Paris Gallery and Paris PHOTO
Mario Cresci. La fotografia del no, 1964-2016,
(Mario Cresci. The photografy of no, 1964-2016)
by M. Cristina Rodeschini, Mario Cresci
GAMeC Books 2017, Bergamo
catalogue of the exhibition at the Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery
(GAMeC) in Bergamo
Mario Cresci. Ex/post. Orizzonti momentanei
(Ex/post. Momentary horizons)
by Emma Zanella, Alessandro Castiglioni
Nomos Edizioni 2014, Busto Arsizio (VA)
catalogue of the exhibition at the Museum of Art (MA*GA) in Gallarate, Milan
Mario Cresci, dispiegati
(Mario Cresci, unfolded)
GraphiStudio 2013
(for the Centre Reserch and Archiving
of the Photoghaphy - CRAF)
catalogue of the exhibition at Palazzo Tadea
on the occasion of the “Friuli Venezia Giulia,
Photography Prize, 17th Edition"
Mario Cresci. D’après Retablo
by Mario Cresci
text by C. Benigni
Photology Editions 2013, NFC, Rimini
catalogue of the site specific exhibition
at Photology Gallery in Milan
Mario Cresci. Thesaurum, una banca a regola d’arte
(Thesaurum, a bank workmanlike)
by Enrico De Pascale,
Silvana Editoriale 2012, Bergamo
(for the Banca Popolare di Bergamo Foundation)
catalogue of the site specific exhibition
at Cloister of Santa Marta in Bergamo
Mario Cresci. Forse Fotografia
(Mario Cresci, Photography maybe)
by Luigi Ficacci, Marta Ragozzino
texts by various authors
Allemandi Editore 2012, Turin
catalogue of the exhibitions Photography maybe:
Through Art (Bologna); Through Trace (Roma);
Through Human ( Matera)
Mario Cresci. Giochi della mente, inediti 2003-2009
(Mario Cresci. Mind games, unpublished 2003-2009)
by Marco Signorini
Verbavolant Collector's Editions 2011, Florence, London
limited edition
Mario Cresci. Dentro le cose
(Mario Cresci. Inside things)
by Luca Panaro
APM Edizioni 2011, Carpi
catalogue of the site specific exhibition
at Palazzo dei Pio in Carpi
2000 - 2009
Gabriele Basilico & Mario Cresci
B&CxR, Cantieri Riva
Federico Motta Editore 2009, Milan
Future Images
by Mario Cresci
Federico Motta Editore 2009, Milan
Mario Cresci. Sottotraccia
(Mario Cresci, undercover)
by Luca Panaro
Elleni Editions 2009, Bergamo
catalogue of the exhibition at the Elleni Gallery in Bergamo
Mario Cresci
(Maro Cresci, a monography)
monografia by Enrico De Pascale,
Photo Tools series, Federico Motta Editore 2007, Milan
Mario Cresci. D’après di d’après
by Fabio Castelli
Italian Photography Editions 2006, Milan
catalogue of the exhibition at Galleria Fotografia
Italiana Arte Contemporanea in Milan
Mario Cresci. Le case della Fotografia
(Mario Cresci, The houses of Photography)
by Pierluigi Castagnoli and Franco Passoni
Gam Editions 2004, Turin
catalogue of the anthological exhibition
at the Gallery of Modern Art (GAM) in Turin
L’Officina dei segni
(The workshop of marks)
by Mario Cresci
texts by Enzo Biffi Gentili
Roberto Mutti and by the author
La Bautta Editions 2002, Matera
anni '90
Variazioni impreviste
(Unexpected variations)
by Roberto Mutti and Luigi Erba
Colpo di fulmine Editions 1995, Verona
catalogue of the exhibition
at Le Stelline Gallery in Milan
Matera, luoghi d'affezione
(Matera, sites of affection)
by Mario Cresci
texts by Rosalba Demetrio, Carlo Bertelli, Vanni Scheiwiller,
Mario Trufelli and by the author
Scheiwiller Editions 1992, Milan
Albe Steiner, ricerca e progetto
(Albe Steiner, research and project)
by Mario Cresci with Luca Steiner
and Giovanni Anceschi
Editori Laterza 1990, Bari
anni '80
Racconti di grafica
(Stories of Graphics)
NIS Editions
Nel labirinto del tempo
(In the labyrinth of time)
by Mario Cresci
text by Giorgio Celli and by the author
La Bautta Editions 1988, Matera
Attraverso l'Italia (Through Italy)
Basilicata, Marche, Sicily
Turing Club Italia (TCI) Editions 1987, Milan
Uno sguardo tra gli altri
(A look among the others)
text by Gianni Raviele
Edizioni La Cometa 1984, Rome
Lezioni di fotografia
(Photography lessons)
by Mario Cresci with Lello Mazzacane
Laterza 1983, Bari
Basilicata. Immagini di un paesaggio imprevisto
(Basilicata. Images of an unexpected landscape)
texts by Cesare De Seta and by the author
Laterza 1983, Bari
I grandi fotografi. Mario Cresci
(The great photographers)
by Pietro Marino and Attilio Colombo
Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri 1982, Milan
La terra inquieta
(The restless land)
texts by Giovanni Russo
and by the author
Laterza 1981, Bari
Martina Franca immaginaria
(An imaginary Martina Franca)
text by Enrico Crispolti,
Mazzotta Editor 1982, Milan
Scanno Prize ’82 for a photographic book
L'archivio della memoria,
fotografia nell'area meridionale
photography in the southern area)
anni '70
Misurazioni, fotografia e territorio.
Oggetti, segni, analogie fotografiche in Basilicata
(Measurements, photography and territory.
Objects, signs, photographic analogies in Basilicata)
by Mario Cresci
Meta Editions 1979, Matera
Matera, immagini e documenti
(Matera, images and documents)
by Mario Cresci
texts by Aldo Gilardi,
Daniela Palazzoli, Vincenzo Baldoni
Meta Editions 1975, Matera